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FREE for Employers to Attend!

Looking to hire top cyber talent? Register now to receive information on how to become an exhibitor for free! The eighth annual National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair will be hosted by The National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center and the Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity Community on:

September 27, 2024

9:00 am-1:00 pm Pacific Time

12:00pm-4:00pm Eastern Time

As the CAE in Cybersecurity program continues to designate new CAEs, the number of students participating in the VCF grows each year. Last year, over 1100 students and alumni participated in the virtual career fair. Employers from industry, government, and academia will be present seeking top cyber talent from over 450 institutions designated as Centers of Academic Excellence in Research (CAE-R), Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), and Cyber Operations (CAE-CO), and institutions in the Candidate's Program (pending approval).  

NCyTE Center is funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant #2054724). CAE Community is funded by the National Security Agency (Grant #H98230-22-1-0316).

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